Our Animals
Meet the most important part of the Five Leaf Clover Farm family – our beautiful animals. They’re looking forward to getting up close and personal with you!
Meet the most important part of the Five Leaf Clover Farm family – our beautiful animals. They’re looking forward to getting up close and personal with you!
Our divine Miniature Donkey pair, Cole and Ollie, are the cutest little guys you’ll ever meet! These friendly boys love a feed and a pat, and we also offer interactive experiences like walking and brushing them for a more hands-on experience.
Our piggy sisters, Dolly and Reba, are our biggest pigs. These ladies are full of character. They’ll tell you how they’re starving and have never been fed, just don’t believe them! They’re up for a scratch and a hello.
Here at Five Leaf Clover Farm we have five gorgeous Brahman Heifers. These beautiful ladies can be spotted wandering around the far paddocks.
We have a friendly and playful herd of mini goats ready to delight you and make your acquaintance. These little guys are so cute you can watch them frolic all day!
Our sweet sheep are always ready to baa hello and see if you’re got any treats for them.
Spot our friendly ducks as they chill out or swim at our chicken caravan.
Meet our chicky girls – with a range of breeds including Ancona, Sussex and Araucana, we’re always adding new chooks to the gang. Come and say hi, feed them, and maybe collect an egg for your breakfast tomorrow!
In addition to our farm pets, we’re often visited by various parrots including Red Tailed Black Cockatoos, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, and Rainbow Lorikeets. Magpies, Honey Eaters, Ibis, Australian Bustards and other birds also visit on occasion.
We’re also home to kangaroos, and a shy echidna, so you may spot some local wildlife on your visit.
Our lovely baby Boer Goats. These babies were all born on our property from our older Boer mummas. They love bouncing around and playing with one another,both inside and outside of their paddock. Come say hello, they won't be this little for long.
We have five lovely Boer goats. These lovely ladies are the mummas to our sweet new babies. They can often be seen wandering in their paddock but at the thought of food and company they will join you at the fence for a snack and a pat.
A fan favourite amongst our younger visitors we have four beautiful Guinea Pigs here at Five Leaf Clover Farm. These wonderful little ones are always down for cuddles and happy to sit in your lap for hours.
Some of the most recent additions to our family here at Five Leaf are our three littlest pigs, Buffy, Spike and Angel. These beautiful babies love pats almost as much as they love food, which is a lot.
Our newest Five Leaf Clover Baby Storm was born to her Mother Rosie, right here on the farm at the begining of our wet season. This friendly girl can be seen wandering around the back paddocks right next to her mumma and aunts.
These three beautiful boys are Five Leaf Clover Farms newest additions. Rusty, Patch and Oreo are 3 young lads who are still getting used to visitors but very cute and curious.